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Wings of The Word Network

Words have Wings which are very powerful to Make and Mar Lives “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:19 The renowned Canadian author and motivational speaker, Robin Sharma, succinctly remarked that, “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”

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Much more, words have wings and can fly over thousands and even millions of miles at once, changing whatever they meet on their way for good or bad. Words have life, especially as we speak and act them into being. Words are not just ideas; they also create ideas and reality just as much as they express reality.
Words are not just figments of our imaginations, but also, are the powers of our thoughts and feelings expressed verbally. Words have the power to accomplish things unto which they are sent. Each word – whether written or spoken – conveys specific idea and meaning with action & reaction
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Our Vision
The Vision of WINGS OF THE WORD NETWORK is to:
Create a world which values Word as the creative Spirit of God with life and motion.
Engender a global multi-racial population of people from all walks of life indulging more in the use of positive words to transform their lives and re-create their future.
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Our Mission
The mission of WINGS OF THE WORD NETWORK is multi-dimensional:
Inspiring people to live their dreams without being shut down by negative words, negative thoughts and negative acts or occurrences.
Motivating people to speak inspiring, positively-impactful, encouraging, barrier-breaking and groundbreaking words which help to build human lives and our community.
Transforming lives to become brighter, better and richer through the power of Word.
Enabling people to realize that words have wings and can – again and again, travel back and forth – reaching millions of miles and people at once.
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The seasoned American author and entrepreneur, Michael S. Hyatt, aptly stated that “Our words have power. They impact others, but they also impact us.” Invariably, what you talk; and when, where and how you say your words matter a lot. The renowned American Jesuit priest and writer, Rev. James Martin, noted that “Words are free. It’s how you use them, that may cost.” We are here to help you think brighter and talk befittingly; so, you can walk smarter and work better for the good of the commonwealth.
The Wings of the Word Network is an outreach program of WINGS OF THE WORD FOUNDATION. It comprises daily and
weekly inspirational devotional messages on TEXT, AUDIO and VIDEO as well as documentary movies and materials about the efficacy of the Word of God and the power in human words. This inspiring Network is meant to motivate readers, viewers, subscribers and the general public to transform their lives, families, career, community and business for the better. The Network’s daily and weekly text messaging, write-ups, audios and videos appear on phones, YouTube, and online social media platforms as well as in newsletters and WORD BANK INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE online.
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The Wings of the Word Network is an outreach program of WINGS OF THE WORD FOUNDATION. It comprises daily and weekly inspirational devotional messages on TEXT, AUDIO and VIDEO as well as documentary movies and materials about the efficacy of the Word of God and the power in human words. This inspiring Network is meant to motivate readers, viewers, subscribers and the general public to transform their lives, families, career, community and
business for the better. The Network’s daily and weekly text messaging, write-ups, audios and videos appear on phones, YouTube, and online social media platforms as well as in newsletters and WORD BANK INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE online.
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About the Author and Producer of Wings of the Word Network
Rev. Chukwudi Chuck-Eke is a seasoned Harvard University graduate, a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), Member of Nigerian Economic Society (MNES), and a prolific public policy analyst. Rev. Eke is a published author and a motivational speaker as well as the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of WORD BANK INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE. Chukwudi Chuck Eke is an ordained reverend evangelist married with his family in the USA. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and WhatsApp.