The Message

Word of Encouragement Heals and Empowers

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3: 13 (NIV).

Encouragement means giving hope, boldness, determination, commitment and resolve in the face of challenging circumstances. Oxford English Dictionary states that encouragement is “The action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. The act of trying to stimulate the development of an activity or belief.” Essentially, when people venture into a risky but meaningful projects or activities, do you give them a word of encouragement or do you encourage dreamers to actualize their audacious, seemingly impossible but realizable dreams? When people you know go through challenging times in their family, career or business, what words of encouragement do you offer them? Be the encourager that the world, especially our young entrepreneurs and dreamers need today!

In many instances, many people don’t need money from you when they’re going through certain emotional or physiological trauma. Rather, they need words that soothe their physical pains and psychological trauma. And when people in your circle are envisioning and chatting with you concerning certain seemingly impossible dream that they think or feel is attainable; many times, they are looking for words of encouragement not negative and discouraging remarks from us. Simply saying, “Yes, you can achieve it, when you try,” can make a world of difference. It brings hope, joy and peace of mind to the beneficiary of the words of encouragement; not to mention how your positive remarks propel higher level of resilience in the receiver to act on the dream that’s talked about.

Importantly, the potent for encouragement, healing and empowerment engraved in words and how we use words is a process that begins by thinking aright.  Therefore, before each remark, ask yourself: Is the word that I’m brandishing and dishing out the truth? Will it build better friendship? Will it destroy goodwill? Will it build or destroy relationships? Can the word embolden the weak and help the hopeless? Importantly, please beware of your thoughts which often give rise to the words you speak. Scripture says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12: 34 KJV).

More importantly, be careful of your thoughts as they often become your words. Invariably, your words often fly and transform into your actions. And your actions; with the reactions and counterreactions they create; shape not only your own destiny, but also could make or mar the fortunes of other people and the future of our world. Therefore, think right, talk right; so you can walk and work aright; as your word can create or destroy your health and wealth.

The article above is a copyrighted material of WINGS OF THE WORD NETWORK

About the Author and Producer of Wings of the Word Network

Rev. Chukwudi Chuck-Eke is a seasoned Harvard University graduate, Fellow of Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), Member of Nigerian Economic Society (MNES), and a prolific public policy analyst. Rev. Eke is a published author, motivational speaker; the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the WINGS OF THE WORDS NETWORK, a Subsidiary of WORD BANK MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL. Rev. Eke is an ordained reverend evangelist married with his family in the USA. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and WhatsApp

About Wings of the Word Network

The Wings of the Word Network is a project of Wings of The Word Foundation. It comprises daily devotional and inspirational messages on Texts, Audio and Video plus documentary movies and materials. The life enriching works of the Network are meant to motivate readers, viewers, subscribers and the general public to transform their lives, families, career and business for the better, making our world great.

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